

Background Check

All of our drivers are professionals, and go through a double-layer background check where we examine each candidate using local, state, and federal records.

We adhere strictly to the following:

In addition, we also use employment-search specialists to pursue direct verification of candidate credentials.

Insurance Protection Plan

Loup uses the highest standard of liability insurance available in the industry:

Our $1M liability policies applies starting from the time a driver accepts a customer request in the app until the driver completes the ride in the app. In addition to having insurance through Loup, our drivers also have corporate insurance through their respective service providers.

Vehicle Inspection

Car must be model year 2000 or newer. Every Loup driver has had his/her vehicle undergo a 19-point vehicle inspection with qualified mechanics, as specified by the CPUC on rules governing TNC operators.

Additional requirements for Loup vehicles beyond those specified in CPUC TNC guidelines include:

  1. Vehicle must have no previous major accidents and have clean title.
  2. Regular maintenance and tune-ups including but not limited to motor oil change, brake pad replacement, tire rotation, and transmission fluid change.
  3. Exterior must be free of any easily noticeable flaws (dents, scratches, paint fades, etc).
  4. Car interior and exterior must be washed once per week and kept clean before and during use.
  5. Seats must be in pristine condition without any holes, tears, etc.
  6. Free of overwhelming/irritating smells including but not limited to perfume/cologne, bad odors, air fresheners, etc.

Driver Onboarding

We carefully screen our drivers and have each driver sign a code of conduct agreement.
Drivers also go through an in-person driving test that takes place on the road.

Zero-Tolerance Policy

Loup maintains a zero-tolerance drug and alcohol policy. To report suspicions of intoxicant use, contact support@loup.limo or (415) 969-5687.

Multi-Directional Ratings

A driver acts out. A passenger makes an unreasonable demand. There is often no one else to witness what exactly went down on the inside of a car. But in a shared ride with Loup, a multi-passenger rating gives us context, allowing us to avoid a he-said she-said situation.

If a driver’s average falls below a certain standard, they’re no longer able to drive on the Loup platform. Passengers are also able to report on other unruly passengers. This is our way of keeping a high standard of excellence in our service.